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May 24, 2019 / Jack Hager

This is a test from hootsuite

This is a test from hootsuite

July 9, 2011 / Jack Hager

Wow…and a link to help

Just finished preaching the second of two weeks at Crescent Lake Bible Camp ( in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Easily my favorite camp…in fact in a tie with Bald Head Island, NC as my favorite spot on earth.

The Lord did some incredible stuff, and it was a joy to hang around and watch Him work.

How is YOUR summer going? Studying for the next season yet?

Even if you aren’t (which is fine, by the way; there are other things besides quizzing!); hope you are memorizing Scripture.

Found a great link for bunches of articles concerning Scripture memory. Perhaps you’ll find something to help.

Here is the link:

Check it out!

June 19, 2011 / Jack Hager

Got a Dad? Thank Him…

Got a Dad? So many don’t. If you do, “to those who much has been given, much will be required.”

Yeah, today is Father’s Day (pickles get a week!). Celebrate.

But I urge you to pray for your Dad every morning; and to look for ways to thank him and love him day by day.

Leave a comment on the number one thing you appreciate about your Dad. On Wednesday I’ll randomly pick a “winner” from those who leave a comment and will send you a cool book…

June 15, 2011 / Jack Hager

Greatest Challenge in Contemporary Christianity?

If you don’t follow PETE WILSON I urge you to do so. He nails it (as he often does) in this writing. We often speak of people missing heaven by about 18 inches…a whole lot of Jesus in their heads, but no Jesus in their hearts.

Same thing applies to, well, application. We can store up Bible verses, theology, techniques and more in our heads and do no heavenly good for the King or His Kingdom. Or we can do the work…and invest the time…to move it to our 24/7 lives and, amazingly, be used by God to bring glory to the Son.

Here’s how Pete worded it:

I believe one of the most obvious challenges in contemporary Christianity is we mistakenly assume that information automatically translates into transformation. However, knowing something is true does not in and of itself ensure that the truth will make a significant difference in our lives.

James 1:22-25 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.

We have more access to great information than ever before.

Unbelievable Bible study tools available on the internet for stinkin’ free.

Phenomenal messages from the world’s best pastors one click away, thanks to podcasts.

In-depth and engaging bible studies adorning the shelves of bookstores all across America.

So what’s the problem?
We have to find a way to transfer all this incredible information that we know in our minds to our hearts so it can be lived out. We have to find a way to, as James puts it, “look intently into.” The word for “looks intently into” (parakypsas) literally means “to stoop down” in order to have a good close look.

Here’s my two cents. In order to “stoop down” you have to “slow down.” There’s not a crisis of information, but of transformation. And the greatest enemy of transformation, in a word, is hurry.

So slow down, stoop into God’s Word, actually do what it says, and see if the transformation doesn’t follow.

June 7, 2011 / Jack Hager

Why Will Most Teens—to include quizzers—walk away from the church after graduation

Watch this, hear this, (please) share this with anyone who will spend five minutes to find out that it is NOT about methods, bells-and-whistles, “relevance,” or any other “stuff,” it is about that which is of first importance:

June 7, 2011 / Jack Hager

If This Makes You Mad (or uncomfortable), Be Glad First John One Nine Is Still In The Bible!

Frances Chan has something to say regarding memorizing…and it is powerful, for some uncomfortable, and TRUE!

Francis Chan – Making Disciples from Verge Network on Vimeo.

June 7, 2011 / Jack Hager

Heading to College? Some good (and quick) advice

Watched this brief video this morning… the third guy (the Korean) served with me at the Korean Kamp at which I’ve spoken every summer for over 20 years for several years as a counselor. Anyway, the three guys offer some good, and maybe controversial, advice…since quizzers have a habit of graduating high school and most go on to college, perhaps of interest:

What You Need to Know About Faith in College from Fuller Youth Institute on Vimeo.

June 6, 2011 / Jack Hager

Why We Do What We Do

Some say, “You are what you eat.” God’s Word tells us that Jeremiah declared, “Thy words were found and I did eat them…”

Why do I…and so many others…pour a lot of time into promoting, running, and encouraging Bible quizzing?

For a program? Yuck.

For trophies and statistics? Nope.

We do it because “The Word of God does the work of God.” And because the venue of quizzing gets teenagers into the Word, and thus the Word into teens.

And, just like the ghost ants below; we eat the Word, we show the Word…we live and love the Word. “You are My friends, if you do what I command.”

May 31, 2011 / Jack Hager

No Tingling Teeth!

A couple days ago I heard a caller on a local radio talk show bring up a Bible verse. As people intrigued, captured, and involved with Bible quizzing…we all (hopefully) recognize that the Word memorized isn’t worth much unless it is both applied (to my life) and shared (with others).

Before the caller quoted a verse, he said something like, “I hate to do this on the radio, but…”, with the implication being that he felt he shouldn’t bring the Bible into the conversation.

He did, regardless, so I’m not picking on him..I’m just sayin’ we need not apologize for bringing truth into any conversation.

At the same time, we don’t necessarily have to say it is the Bible we are quoting. The Word of God is quick and powerful regardless of whether it is cited.

I quoted lots of Bible verses in the hundreds of school assembly programs the Lord has allowed me to do over the years. Sometimes they were hagerized, and very seldom were they directly attributed to the Bible. But the Word was proclaimed, and the Word accomplishes much.

At any rate, when prompted to share the Bible…even if we feel our society frowns on it…do it anyway…you don’t want tingling teeth do you?

May 23, 2011 / Jack Hager

You NEED to Invest Ten Minutes to Watch This

I know this is a blog concerned with Bible quizzing. I do love Bible quizzing…but I love Bible quizzers (and coaches and staff) more!

I love Bible quizzing because it gets us into the Word. But getting “into” the Word is only a step…a huge step…but only a step in the journey of discipleship. With reliance on Holy Spirit, we must think, meditate, and, so vital, apply the Word that we have committed to memory.

I deeply admire Frances Chan. His honesty, transparency, and straight-to-the-point style combine to make him one of my favorites.

What he has to say here is incredibly important.

I beg you to watch it attentively (and comment after you view)